Our hotel was very modest, to say the least. Funky would also serve as a description. It appeared to be a house that was converted into a hotel, with rooms added on here & there. My two roommates and I had a nice airy room with screens where the window glass might have been. It featured a large painting that we all became very fond of (see the picture above).
The room was intended for 4 people and had one small bathroom with no hot water. On our next-to-last day our hostess (who lived there & ran the hotel with her mother), was 'shocked' to hear that we didn't have hot water. She tried to fix it (it was 'on-demand' rather than coming from a hot water heater) but it didn't seem to make any difference. The weather was warm enough that it didn't matter much anyway. The beds were aligned so we could talk at night if we wanted. My roommates were terrific and we had several nice 'happy hours' drinking the wine Morgana had the foresight to bring from Guayaquil!
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